Independence Day Celebration of ITRA- 2022

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Independence Day Celebration of ITRA- 2022

A Brief Report on 15th Aug. 22 Independence Day Celebration

As a part of the celebration of “Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav” and “15-August-2022”, Day, a flag hoisting ceremony was organized by the ITRA at Chankya Bhavan compound, ITRA Campus, Jamnagar. ITRA celebrated the completion of 75 years of independence.

The following dignitaries were present at the Flag hoisting ceremony.
Prof. Anup Thakar, Director, ITRA; Shri H. P. Jhala, I/c Registrar, GAU; DG, CCRAS, Prof. Rabinarayan Acharya; Prof. Varsha Solanki, Deputy Director, UG-ITRA; Vd. Joban Modha, Deputy Director, Pharmacy-ITRA; Prof Hitesh Vyas, Dean-Academic, ITRA; Prof. B. J. Patgiri, Dean-Research, ITRA; Prof. Arpan Bhatt, Dean-Planning and Development; Prof. A.S. Baghel, Dean- P.G. Studies; Vd. Pashmina Joshi, Dean-Students Welfare.

The flag was hoisted by Prof. Anup Thakar, Director, ITRA. The flag hoisting was followed by a patriotic song, sung by Kusagra Trivedi, B. Pharm. (Ayu.) first year. Prof. Anup Thakar shared his views about how to improve our vision and mission to get recognition of Ayurved throughout the world. He said we have to change our mindset and overcome our limitations to strengthen the Ayurved. By strengthening the Ayurved, we can take Ayurved to the people of the world; this is the main aim with which GCTM will take shape. He also said to use technology to improvise communication, which led Ayurved towards popularization. He urged to take vows to work hard for the globalization of Ayurved.

Approximately 200 persons participated in the flag hoisting ceremony to salute the flag and show devotion and love towards the nation. Out of the 200 members, about 130 students of the UG, PG, and Pharmacy, and 70 persons were officers of the Institutes, Jawan of home guards, and other staff of GAU and ITRA.
Dr. Krunal Doshi, Head & Sr. Lecturer, Dept. of Dravyaguna, ITRA-Pharmacy, has carried out anchoring during the celebration of the 15th August flag hoisting ceremony.

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