Director’s Message

Prof. B.J. Patgiri
I/c. Director
It is a great honour to be the Director of ITRA at this vital juncture of the amalgamation of three Institutes (IPGT&RA, SGAM and IIAPS). ITRA is a pioneer Institute in Ayurveda and the outstanding contributions made by the Institute in the field of Ayurveda culminated in its recognition as an “Institute of National Importance” on 15th October 2020.
The vision of the Institute is our guiding force in the past and in times to come. High skilled, experienced and recognized faculty and research team along with good teaching and research infrastructure are the main strengths and assets. Our 5000+ alumni contribute to academic, health care and research in Ayurveda across India and the globe. Institute has established high standards of teaching, training, research and patient care and also invokes a scientific outlook to the knowledge of the Ayurvedic System of Medicine.
In the last few years, we have taken several initiatives, like introducing new programs such as M. Pharm. (Ayu) and M.Sc. (Medicinal Plants), certification courses, upgradation of resources laboratories and libraries, collaboration with WHO and other global and National Institutes and stakeholders, initiation of National Pharmacovigilance Program for ASU, and digitalization of research database. Many more ventures are being planned for the next couple of years. Institute established strategic collaborations with local and global Institutes and took many innovative initiatives to research and promotion of Ayurveda.
Institute works on the establishment of Ayurveda as evidence-based medicine through research and by bringing scientific approaches into clinical practice. Generated pieces of evidence in research are of high quality that can be accepted by global standards. Institute also performs its social responsibility directly through regular medical camps, blood donation, green and clean movement, etc. This Institute is the best for students who wish to develop their careers in the clinical, research, academic and industrial fields of Ayurveda. It would be my pleasure to receive your valuable suggestions and ideas for further developments of the Institute and the promotion of Ayurveda in teaching, research and patient care.
Prof. B.J. Patgiri
I/c. Director