Pharmacology Laboratory
Pharmacology laboratory was started as full fledge research laboratory in 1981. It is well equipped with all facilitiesand qualified staffs. The Animal house attached to Pharmacology is registered with CPCSEA, Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (Animal Welfare Division), Govt. of India, New Delhi. Registration was issued for purpose of “Research for Education and Breeding for In-house use of small animals” (548/GO/ReBi/S/02/CPCSEA). The Institutional Animal Ethics Committee was approved by CPCSEA, New Delhi for period of five years.
The main objective of establishing the laboratory is to undertake Pharmacological studies on drugs and formulations used in Ayurvedic therapeutics to provide Pharmacological basis to their clinical uses and also to elucidate the safety profile of selected preparations such as herbo-mineral, mineral and metallic preparations. Training and supervision provided to research scholars of M.D. (Ayu), M. Pharm (Ayu), M.Sc. (Medicinal plants) and Ph.D. It also offers technical consultancy in the areas related to drug activity and pharmacology of natural products and undertakes sponsored research projects as per norms of the Institute.
The Pharmacology laboratory has well equipped with digital instruments such as non-invasive digital Biopack system for cardiac, respiratory and in-vitro studies; all instruments related to evaluation of test drugs for CNS activity such as plus maze, rota rod, activity cage behavior system, electro-convusiometer, grip strength meter, tunnel board, open field etc. Digital plethysmometer is used for anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity; digital Hot plate and Tail-flick analgesiometer for analgesic activity, digital Telethermometer for antipyretic activity of drugs. The other instruments are deep freezer, cooling centrifuge and high speed centrifuge, biosafety cabinet, digital autocalve, eliza reader and washer, UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu), CO2 incubator, Inverted microscopes (Nicon) and Trinocular Microscope (Carl Zeiss) with computer attachments, Millipore water purification system and other routinely used instruments in the laboratory.