Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lab.
The Pharmaceutical Chemistry was annotated as Modern Pharmacy along with establishment of IPGT&RA. In 1960 the laboratory was renamed as Modern Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory (MPCL). Time to time the laboratory was leaded by Dr. Mukharji, Dr. A.J.Baxi, Dr. S.A.Vasavada (additional charge), Miss. K.K.Dave (additional charge), Dr. Subrata De, Dr. B.Ravishankar (additional charge) and presently by Dr. V.J.Shukla.
The laboratory looks after quality of Pharmacy as well as research samples, mostly the screening of drugs based on Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India in addition also deals with diverse forms of research in ayurvedic milieu.
The focused research areas of the department are the development of new analytical methods and validation especially for traditional operations and processes under cGMP environment. The laboratory put lights on application of aspects like QFD (quality function deployment),Qualitative Comparative Analysis (crisp (i.e., binary) sets, fuzzy sets, and to mixtures of fuzzy and crisp setsqca ). Laboratory also put input in repurposing of polyherbal drugs i.e. wel described in classical texts. The aspect covered are a SAR( structure activity relationship) using chemo-informatics. The modules were explored were explored using python and R like widely used script and consol. The focus is also given to lean out criteria’s using CQA (critical quality attribute),CPP(critical process parameter) and CMA(critical material attribute) with special reference to multicomponent natural drug substances.
Faculty members are actively engaged in research and they publish their work in reputed international journals. The research work is also presented at reputed national/international conferences. Faculty members have collaboration with reputed national and international institutes.
The department is equipped with sophisticated instruments like HPLC, AAS, Flash chromatographic system, UV-Visible spectrophotometer, HPTLC. The department has a academic inlets for M.Pharm (Ayurved pharmacy), Ph.D (Ayurved Pharmacy) ,M.Sc.(Medicinal Plants),Ph.D.Medicinal Plants) as well as M.D.(Ayu). In addition, the department has a computational facility for designing drug candidates.
- Scholars are interacted among the research criteria and methodology adopted for different projects at the laboratory.
- Encouraged for related MOOC courses and certification.
- Small review submission on one of the topic from curriculum and concern presentation.
- Quality control
- Quality (Totality of attributes and properties).
- Specifications (Comprise a set of selected descriptive terms)
- Standards (include a level of performance of a scale)
Standardization (A process resulting from a consensus based on scientific findings).Laboratory looks after Quality checkPoints of the drugs prepared for research purpose and Pharmacy samples.
- R
- Weka
- The Unscrambler
- RapidMiner
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python
2006 | Chemo-semantics & market sample survey. |
2007 | Extraction process and extraction technology (Effect of use of surfactants in extraction). |
2008 | Mixture analysis (UV Spectrometry); Rf value mapping system; Carbon particle removal from oil & Effect of salt on chromatographic performance. |
2009 | Standardizations & Validation (Method & Process Validation). |
2010 | Dimensionality reduction (Principle Component Analysis). |
2011 | CART analysis for chromatographic output. |
2012 | Genetic algorithm; Multiple curve resolution (MCR); Design of Experiment (DOE); PRISMA methodology for solvent selection & Segmentations theories in QC-QA environment. |
2013 | Simplex algorithm, Concepts of Six sigma + 5s & 80/20 rule in error detection (Pareto). |
2014 | Quality by Design, Kaizan and cross validation methods. |
2015 | QC Protocol development for Product from industry. |
2016 | Survey of rational approaches in multicomponent drugs. |
2017 | Practical approach of qualitative aspect (QFD &QCA) and use of high end technology for nature inspired molecules. |
2018 | Attribute oriented performance of BRM |
2019 | Data preprocessing, modeling with respect to experimental and data based attributes |
2020 | Control system based on live camera image using fuzzy control (Matlab) |
2021 | Chenotypic discrimination of samanyapratyarabdh and vichitrapratyarabdh using molecular similarity index. |