Department of Roga Nidana and Vikruti vijnana

The main objectives of the department are to impart teaching, training and research to the M.D. (Ayu) scholars in the specialty of Roga Nidana & Vikriti Vigyan; provide diagnostic & treatment facilities and consultancy services to the patients attending OPD and IPD of Roga Nidana; provide training to the scholars & delegates of foreign countries who visit the institute under the MOU signed with Gujarat Ayurved University & the institute under WHO collaboration; and for three month introductory course of Ayurveda.

Name Designation Qualification
1 Prof. Anup Thakar I/c Head M.D. (Ayu), Ph.D.
2 Dr Darshna Pandya Asst. Professor MD (Ay), PhD
3 Vd.Chinmayi C.Shah Reader M.D.(Ayu.)
4 Vd. Nikunj Dharmubhai Patel Lecturer M.D.(Ayu.)
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