Logo for 'Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda'

Design Concept
The logo design primarily represents the vision of the Institute ‘Teaching and Research in Ayurveda’.
The image of a meditating person is representational of a guru symbolizing the transfer of knowledge – teaching being at the core. The symbol is portrayed in the negative form that emerges from the pattern of leaves like a source of light or knowledge emerging from nature, an illustration of research.
The green leaves or herbs connote Ayurveda. They are designed in the form of an expanding flower meaning the expansion of research and knowledge in all directions. This signifies the mission of the Institute, ‘Global propagation of Ayurveda’.
The colours imitate Mother Nature for Ayurveda is a field close to nature.
The design is kept simple and contemporary in reflecting the Indian traditional practice of Ayurveda.