Physical recreation through games and sports has been an important part of the Institute since its inception. Playing sports teaches lessons of life, such as teamwork, accountability, self-confidence, responsibility and self-discipline.They help in enhancing leadership skills and in improving capacity for goal setting and character building.There are remarkable and record breaking performances at state and National levels of our students in games like volleyball, basketball, kho kho, Kabaddi, chess, badminton, table tennis, swimming and athletics. The institute has bagged many trophies, medals and general championship in sports.
Badminton Tournament
On 10th February’2020, IPGT and RA, Gujarat Ayurved University had organized two days inter college Badminton tournament. From the Institute, Ayushi Sanghani stood first, whereas Ronak Gain and Meet Desai got 2nd and 5th position in the singles championship. Arti Kanzaria and Ayushi Sanghani won the first position in doubles championship.

Chess Tournament
In February 2020, an inter college chess tournament was organized by Shri RMD Institute of Ayurved, Waghaldhara. Pragya Ansari, a student of D.Pharm. (Ayu.) II Year got 3rd position in the competition.