Research Projects

Nature of the Projects & Investigators

Name of the

funding Agency

Chronic toxicity studies of “Punarnavadi mandura

– Dr. B. Ravishankra (PI)

AYUSH, New Delhi

Chronic toxicity studies of Kashisha Bhasma

– Dr. B. Ravishankra (PI)

AYUSH, New Delhi

Acute and chronic toxicity study on coded drug “W” – Drug from JAMA controversy CCRAS project.

– Dr. B. Ravishankra (PI)

CCRAS, New Delhi

Acute and chronic toxicity study on coded drug “U” – Drug from JAMA controversy CCRAS project.

– Dr. B. Ravishankra (PI)

CCRAS, New Delhi

Acute and chronic toxicity study on coded drug “T” – Drug from JAMA controversy CCRAS project.

– Dr. B. Ravishankra (PI)

CCRAS, New Delhi

Sub-acute and chronic toxicity study on coded drug “Un” Rasakalpa/Bhasmas

– Dr. B. Ravishankra (PI)

CCRAS, New Delhi

Sub-acute and Chronic Toxicity Study of Coded Drug “Xn

– Dr. B. Ravishankra (PI)

CCRAS, M/o AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi

Sub-acute and Chronic Toxicity Study of Coded Drug “Tj”

– Dr. B. Ravishankra (PI)

CCRAS, M/o AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi

Standardization and Clinical Evaluation of Keshanjan, an Ayurvedic Formulation in Shushkakship aka (Dry Eye Syndrome)

– Dr. K.S. Dhiman (PI)

CCRAS, M/o AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi

Identification of Genomic Correlates of Prakriti in Healthy Individuals in West Indian Population of Gujarat

– Dr. A.B. Thakar (PI), Dr. Mandip Goyal (Co-PI)

CSIR Ayurgenomics Unit, Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, New Delhi

Development of standardization of harvesting and good collection practice of two latex bearing plants i.e. Arka (Calotropis gigantea L.R.Br. ex Ait. & Calotropis procera Ait R.Br.) and Sunthi (Euphorbia nerifolia Linn.)

– Dr. R.N. Acharya (PI), Dr. V.J. Shukla (Co-I), Dr. Anagha Ranade (Co-I)

National Medicinal Plant Board, M/o AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi

Experimental evaluation of cardioprotective activity of Ayurvedic herbal formulation- Arjunadi Yoga-

Dr. M.B. Nariya (PI), Dr. K. Nishtenshwar (Co-I), Dr. Sushma Bhuvad (Co-I)

National Medicinal Plant Board, M/o AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi

Development and validation of Prikriti assessment questioner /scale-

Dr. A.S. Baghel (PI-1), Dr. Shalini Mishra (PI-2)

CCRAS, M/o AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Developing SOP of Rasa Manikya and Tribhuvan Kirti Rasa- Prof. B.J. Patgiri (PI) CCRAS, M/o AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Nature of the Projects Investigators
Experimental Evaluation of Anti-cataract effect of Vasanjan – an indigenous preparation Dr. Manjusha R (PI)
Pharmacognostical Evaluation of certain Anukta Dravyas (extra pharmacoepial medicinal plants) Dr. RN Acharya (PI), Dr. Harisha CR (Co-I), Dr. VJ Shukla (Co-I)
Validation of HPTLC Methods for Identification of Botanicals in GMP Environment Dr. VJ Shukla (PI), Prof. RN Acharya (Co-I)
A clinical study on Ardhavabhedaka – Migraine and its Management with Laghu Sutashekhara Rasa and Brihat Dashamoola Taila Nasya Dr. DB Vaghela (PI)
Systematic review of researches on Tamaka Shwasa (Bronchial Asthma) Dr. Galib (PI)
Systematic review of researches on Vranaropana (Tissue Healing) properties of Ayurvedic drugs Dr. T.S. Dudhmal (PI), Prof. S.K. Gupta (Co-I)
Systematic review of researches on female infertility (Vandhyatwa) at various Ayurvedic Research Institutes Dr. L.P. Dei (PI)
Phyto-pharmacognostical and biological evaluation of five extra pharmacopoeial plants (Anukta Dravya) of Ayurveda Prof. R.N. Acharya (PI), Dr. Harisha C.R. (Co-I), Dr. V.J. Shukla (Co-I)
Wound healing activity and safety profile of Securinega leucopyrus (Willd.) Muell. – An experimental study Dr. T.S. Dudhmal (PI), Dr. M.B. Nariya (Co-I), Prof. S.K. Gupta (Co-I), Dr. Mahanta (Co-I)
Cell based in vitro and in vivo Pharmacological assessment of Limnophila rugosa (Roth.) Merr.-an Extra-Pharmacopoeial drug Dr. M.B. Nariya (PI), Prof. R.N. Acharya (Co-I)
Digitalization of compilations of the drugs Vd. B.R. Patel (PI), Prof. K Nishteswar (Co-I)
Pre-clinical and clinical studies on Naga Bhasma w.s.r. to Diabetes mellitus Dr. B.J. Patgiri (PI), Prof. P.K. Prajapati (Co-I), Dr. M.B. Nariya (Co-I), Dr. V.J. Shukla (Co-I)
Nature of the Projects & Investigators

Name of the

funding Agency

Experimental and clinical studies of Nagapheni (Opuntia elatior Mill.) an Anukta dravyas (extra- Pharmacoepial drug) w.s.r. to hematinic activity-

Dr. R.N. Acharya (PI), Dr. M.B. Nariya (Co-I), Dr. Mandip Goyal (Co-I)

M/o AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi

Validity and reliability testing of Ayurveda diagnostic methods

Dr. Mandip Goyal (PI)

CCRAS, M/o AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi

Elucidation of neroprotective mechanism of Haritaki

– Prof. R.N. Acharya (Co-PI)

DST, Science and Engineer Research Board, GoI, New Delhi

Development and establishment of genetic markers for “Jivanti” and Ayurvedic medicinal materials

– Prof. R.N. Acharya (Co-PI)

DBT, Ministry of Science of Technology, GoI, New Delhi

To review AYUSH interventionson COVID-19 in India- A living systematic review

– Prof. Anup Thakar (PI)/ Dr. Mandip (I) Dr. Kalpesh (CO-PI),

Nature of the Projects Investigators
Safety assessment of Garbhapala Rasa – A retrospective study Dr. Shilpa B. Donga (PI), Prof. L.P. Dei (Co-I)
Lexicon Edition of Charaka  Samhita Vd. Hiteshkumar Vyas (PI), Prof. M.K. Vyas (Co-I), Dr. AS Baghel (Co-I), Dr. Shubhangi Kamble (Co-I)
Assessment of genotoxic potential of Rasa Parpati and Swasakuthara Rasa Dr. BJ Patgiri (PI), Dr. M.B. nariya (Co-PI)
Establishment of seed bank reservoir – A Research center Dr. Harisha C.R. (PI), Dr.Bhupesh R Patel (Co-I)
Efficacy of Shallakyadi capsule in the prevention of post Chikungunya chronic inflammatory rheumatism- a prospective cohort study Dr. Mandip Goyal (PI), Dr. Alkesh Pataliya (Co-PI), Dr. Gopinath Agnihotram (Co-PI)
To evaluate the efficacy of Paushtika Biscuit in the management of underweight children Dr. V.K. Kori (PI), Prof. K.S. Patel (Co-PI)
Phyto-pharmacognostical evaluation of eight Anukta dravyas of Ayurveda Dr. R.N. Acharya (PI), Dr. Harisha CR (Co-PI), Dr. V.J. Shukla (Co-PI)
Diabetic wound healing activity of two forms of Secureniga leucopyrus (Willd.) Muell.- A randomized controlled clinical multicenter trial Dr. T.S. Dudhmal (PI), Dr. Ketan D. Mehta (Co-PI), Dr. VH Popaliya (Co-PI)
Encyclopedia of Astang Hriday and Ashtang Samgrah w.s.r. to their clinical terminology Dr. Darshana Pandya (PI)
Preparation of Electronic database of PG and Ph.D. theses of IPGT&RA, GAU, Jamnagar Dr. V.K. Kori (PI)
Pharmaceutical standardization of 100 puta Abhraka bhasma and Nagarjunabhra rasa with their in vivo Pharmacological evaluation on metabolic syndrome and cardioprotective activity – Dr. Prashant Bedarkar (PI), Dr. M.B. Nariya (Co-PI), Prof. B.J. Patgiri (Co-PI)
Toxicity evaluation of Anandabhairava Rasa and its effects on gene expression in albino rats Dr. M.B. Nariya (PI), Prof. B.J. Patgiri (Co-PI)
Association study between Sharir Prakriti and type 2 diabetes (Madhumeha) and its Ayurvedic management along with life style modification Dr. Swati N Khandale (PI), Prof. A.S. Baghel (Co-PI)
A prospective non-randomized open label controlled interventional study on the effect of Guduchi Ghanavati as a prophylactic measure among population at high risk to SARS-CoV-2 exposure Prof. Anup Thakar (PI), Dr. Kalpesh, Dr. Swapnil, Other team from State colleges
Clinical outcome of Ayurved treatment on COVID 19 patients: a retrospective cohort study Prof. Anup Thakar (PI), Dr. Kalpesh, Dr. Falgun, Dr. Shital
Efficacy of Ayurveda intervention (AYUSH 64) as add-on therapy in COVID 19 patients – An open label randomized controlled trial Prof. Anup Thakar (PI), Dr. Sagar, Dr. Mandip
Clinical outcome of Ayurveda medicines as add-on to conventional management in COVID-19 patients: A retrospective cohort study from Jamnagar, India Prof. Anup Thakar (PI), Dr. N.N. Bhatt, Dr. Kalpesh Panara, Dr. Swati Khandale, Dr. Sagar Bhinde
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