Milestones and Achievements
ITRA has gone through many milestones and has many achievements that contributed to the founding of the current image of the Institute
- It is the first Institute under AYUSH designated as the Institute of National Importance (INI).
- It is the first premier Teaching and Research Centre for Ayurveda in India.
- Institute is a pioneer in the Ayurveda field to introduce M.Pharm (Ayu.) & M.Sc. (Medicinal Plants), PhD degree courses and short-term regular Ayurvedic courses for Foreigners.
- Alumni at the top positions in administrative, academic, research and practice areas.
- The workforce developed by this Institute forms the backbone of Ayurvedic teaching, research and administration in India.
- As a constituent Institute of Gujarat Ayurved University, ITRA is accredited by NAAC with Grade “A” having 3.28 CGPA- 1st cycles, 2016.
- Hospital ITRA has been accredited by NABH in Aug 2019.
- This Institute is designated as WHO Collaborating Centre for Traditional Medicines (Ayurveda).
- Institute has introduced and established Pharmacovigilance for ASU Drugs and it has been designated as ‘National Pharmacovigilance Resource Centre (NPRC) for ASU Drugs’ in 2007 year and ‘Intermediary Pharmacovigilance Centre for Ayurveda (IPVC for Ayurveda)” by Ministry of AYUSH in2017
- Recognized as “Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, GoI.
- Regularly publish peer-reviewed quarterly “AYU” Journal (PubMed indexed) since 1964.
- Institute has conserved more than 7500 ancient manuscripts (digitalized > 500).
- Digitalized PG theses database and released full script of PG theses in electronic format (2000-2014)